Astronika sp. z o.o.

Technological domains
  • TD 13 Automation, Telepresence & Robotics
  • TD 15 Mechanisms
  • TD 20 Structures
About the subject

ASTRONIKA is a private company founded in 2013 by a unique group of engineers from the Space Research Center of the Polish Academy of Scien-ces (CBK PAN). We specialize in space instruments and mechanisms. We have in our portfolio planetary missions to Mars InSigth and orbital missions like Juice. We also operate in the market of small and medium-sized satel-lites. We provide booms solutions for CubeSats, such as for the RadCube and HERA Juventas missions. We have our own machining workshop, ISO 8 clean room and a prototyping laboratory. In the scope of tests, we have a thermal-vacuum chamber and shock generation equipment, as well as bake – out chamber for composite structures.

Main products and services
  • Deployment (SADM, SADE, …)
  • Antenna mechanisms (Including control electronics)
  • Hold down and release mechanisms.
  • Instrument specific mechanisms
  • Flow control and distribution devices (pipes, valves, actuators, filters,pres-sure transducers, pressure regulators)
The most important achievements in the space sector
  • Radio Wave Instrument oraz LP-PWI Intrument
  • Penetrator HP3 Mole for NASA InSigth mission
  • RadMag Boom for RADCUBE mission
Contact info
+48 22 3296 234
ul. Bartycka 18, 00-716 Warszawa

Contact person:
First name and last name:
Marta Tokarz
+48 22 329 62 34