TD 10 Flight Dynamics and GNSS
TD 3 Space Systems Electrical Power
TD 21 Thermal
TD 20 Structures
TD 15 Mechanisms
The company offers services related to technological expertise and defining products using satellite data as well as information and operational servi-ces related to the space sector and the development of entrepreneurial and design activities at an early stage of development.The company implements projects based on satellite navigation (including fields of jamming, indoor positioning, etc.), Earth observation, integrated applications, as well as mo-dern materials with a porous (net) structures and mechanics. In its projects the company uses the expertise of a extensive network of contacts in over 50 countries and the International Space University network.As part of the Space3ac accelerator mechanism, the company helped to obtain financing for R&D activities in the total amount of over PLN 23 million for over 100 small companies.

- Casings, components produced from net structures (Secondary Structu-res, also Primary Structures) in Structures (N) within Satellite & Probes (II)
- Design and verification methods for structures manufactured from novel materials (nanotube reinforced, foams, self-healing materials etc)
- Data analysis (User Operations, D), Ground Segment (IV)
- Casings, components produced from net structures (Other, d) in Mechanical, Optical and Magnets parts (H) in Satellite & Probes (II) segment
- Project: „Development of a multifunctional housing for the needs of space and aviation electronics, with particular emphasis on the so-called power electronics and power sources”, POIR.01.01.01-00-0581/17
- Project: „Fulfilling enhanced location accuracy in the mass-market through Initial Galileo Services”, H2020 Project 776436, www.flamingognss.com
- Project: „GroundEye – a technological platform for monitoring mobile ele-ments of ground infrastructure at airports”, RPPM.01.01.01-22-0099/16.
+48 607 160 640
al. Grunwaldzka 472, 80-309 Gdańsk
Krzysztof Kanawka
+48 607 160 640