IAC Baku – events and stand

POLSA’s stand will have an area of 60 square meters. On our booth we will host companies for B2B meetings with Polish entities. Networking is a continuation of cooperation started by the contacts of POLSA with Azerbaijan space sector’s companies. Please join POLSA’s stand number 606!

Poland has been invited to co-charing the second Artemis Accords Heads of Agency meeting, planned on 3rd of October in Baku during IAC 2023. This year’s meeting will start by welcoming the newest Artemis Accords Signatories that joined the AA community since the September 2022 Heads of Agency (HoA) meeting in Paris: Nigeria, Rwanda, Czech Republic, Spain, Ecuador, India, Argentina and recently Germany.  One of the HoA meeting’s session regarding the outbrief on AA Working Group on International Paricipation will be moderated by POLSA’s President, prof. Grzegorz Wrochna.

On Wednesday, 4th of October there will be a ceremonial signing of Memorandum of Understanding between the Space Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan (AZERCOSOMS) and the Polish Space Agency (POLSA) on the cooperation in peaceful uses of outer space which aim is to, i.a., increase bilateral trade, investment and strengthen business cooperation, as well as innovation in satellite communications, space exploration and particularly in the field of navigation-satellite systems.

Additionally President Grzegorz Wrochna will participate in IAC 2023 Plenary session called “Strategic Direction of Emerging Space Nations” planned on 4th of October. The session will be moderated by Asanda SANGONI, Acting Managing Director, Earth Observations, South African National Space Agency (SANSA). The theme of this year’s plenary is Global Challenges and Opportunities: Give Space a Chance and this session will address why Angola; Azerbaijan; Poland; Slovak Republic; and South Africa are giving space a chance.

On the booth space we are planning to organize two receptions “Vote for Poznań”. The events planned on Tuesday the 3rd and Thursday 5th of October at from 3-5pm LT are the occasion to integrate Polish entities with the international space community. It will be a great occasion to exchange experiences and to do business.

During the IAC Baku, hundreds of technical and plenary sessions, discussion panels, lectures and seminars, as well as networking meetings and business-to-business (B2B) forums will be held. Approximately 5000 exhibitors are expected to attend. The program and information about the events preceding the congress are available at: https://www.iac2023.org/programme/

All interested please visit us at booth 606.

IAC Baku - events and stand