Results of the project

The two main deliverables of the project are the Space Schools Program and the Space Program for science centers and other non-formal education organizations. Thematic modules are devoted to the 21st century’s global challenges and practical solutions offered by research and exploration of our near-space environment. Both Programs promise economic and social benefits of space exploration, as well as career paths in industry, available not only to STEM specialists, but also to lawyers or graduates in social sciences. The Programs use a variety of didactic materials, including short videos, ICT tools, and even an astronomical show for the planetariums.

The aim of the Space Schools Program is not to replace the existing curricula of individual STEM subjects, but to extend their content, present real-life applications to theoretical school instruction, and affirm the interdisciplinary nature of all STEM subjects. The Program will also contain practical information for schools on how to organize classes and teaching process.

The project also includes interviews with specialists in the space sector. Space sector representatives present their career path.

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