Reference Nr.: 18.187.12
Prog. Ref.: Operations Core Func
Budget Ref.: E/E008-01 – Operations Core Func
Tender Type: C
Price Range: > 500 KEURO
Products: Ground Segment / Mission Operations / Other
Techology Domains: Mission Operation and Ground Data Systems / Mission Operations / Distributed and Decentralised Operations
Establishment: ESRIN
Directorate: Directorate of EO Programmes
Department: EO Mission Management & GS Department
Division: Copernicus GS & Data Management Division
Contract Officer: Guedel, Berenice
Industrial Policy Measure: N/A – Not apply
This procurement targets the delivery of the Copernicus Space Component acquisition services, including the Sentinels X-Band data acquisition operations and the S-band Telemetry, Tracking and Control (TTC) services. The X-Band Acquisition service aims at the on-ground reception of data sensed by the Sentinel satellites and the delivery of the acquired data in the form of CADU data stream for further ground segment operations. The TTC services aim at the reception of the satellite telecommands, their modulation and radiation to the satellite. Although covering different functions of the Copernicus Space Component (CSC) operations, the above-mentioned services may be considered rather similar in terms of required infrastructure and operations capabilities of the service providers. Accordingly the current procurement will include the possibility to cover both services. Building upon the operational experience gathered in the past years since the launch of Sentinel-1A in 2014,ESA intends to procure as much as possible standardized services using Contractors’ owned state-of-the-art, off-the-shelf facilities and satellite-independent interfaces. In order to maximize the competition and the value for money for the to-be-procured services, the Services will be procured through the ESA Framework Agreements procedure, as established at Article 15 of ESA Procurement Regulations (ESA/REG/001, rev. 3 which can be downloaded at the following URL This procedure consists therefore in a two-step procurement approach, broken down as follows: · Step 1 -Qualification Phase: The objective of this Step is to award, through an Open Competition Frame Contracts with the entities qualifying for the performance of the services subject of this procurement. · Step 2 -Implementation Phase: Theobjective of this Step is to award, through Restricted Competitions between the Frame Contractors qualified under Step 1, the Work Orders allowing the performance of the procured services. An Information day about the subject procurement will be organized at theEuropean Space Agency (ESA) in December 2018. The location, date, registration process and Agenda of this briefing session will be published on ESA Tendering website (EMITS) under „NEWS” ( Potential bidders are invited to consult regularly ESA Tendering website (EMITS). The Acquisition And TTC Services For Copernicus procurements will be funded by the Copernicus Programme and will be open exclusively to economic operators, which have their registered office in an EU Member State or Iceland or Norway. In order to access the Frame ITT Package from EMITS, any economic operator interested in the subject procurement will have to be registered as a potential ESA Tenderer. To register with ESA as a potential Tenderer, you will be requested to complete the online questionnaire available ESA-STAR registration website: While the registration process is underway, potential ESA Tenderers may access the Frame ITT Package through ESA’s dedicated Copernicus server, which is accessible at: